The strangeness of my body continued to fascinate me although in my haste to get ready I hardly took took the time to dwell on it. In a trice I had app- lied light makeup and set about selecting the costume for my rendezvous; first into a bra that certainly needed no padding and a confining panty girdle to improve my rather generous posterior. The skin-like fit of the nylon stockings brought with it a special thrill. I paused to run my hand up both legs and savored the little tingles that the act generated. A satin slip further bound me into the world of fem- ininity; the delicate bouquet of its perfume tingling my nostrils.
Next, as if directed by an external force, I selected a smart two-piece suit from the closet. was a rich beige color that set off my auburn hair nicely. Closing the side zipper on the skirt and buttoning the jacket in front, I knew from the ex- cellent fit that these clothes, too were tailor-made for me. Thin-heeled brown pumps completed the en-
I stepped across the room for a view of myself in the full-length mirror. The whole sensation of my new being was sublime; the body, the clothes and even my mental attitude began to excite me in a com- pletely new way. In the glass, I beheld a woman
that would have held instant fascination for me under other circumstances. The shapely legs set off by an extremely attractive body would attract more than casual attention. I literally pinched myself to make sure that the image I was studying was really me. The red mark on my thigh was proof enough for the moment.
At the bureau, I gave my hair a few additional strokes and, noting for the first time, the presence there of a thin gold wrist watch, I snapped it into place on my arm.
Contemplating my first trip into the outside